A story that has the unbelievable and a web of crimes perpetrated by an unscrupulous organisation that for years acted in the shadows. This is what the case known as 'The Cook' is all about. 

The authorities were hot on the trail of this mysterious character, named 'The Cook' for years now. He was the head of this criminal organisation posing as a 'parastatal anti-espionage' agency and responsible for illegal trafficking, money laundering and extortion. Dozens of Italian and foreign companies and multinationals belonged directly to the agency or were linked in a complex network of exchanges, intrigues and ownership. These companies were set up for the sole purpose of making SMEs go bankrupt by moving illicit amounts of money into the pockets of the multinationals. 

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There are in fact more than 100 small and medium-sized enterprises that have had to suffer blackmail and extortion and have had to close down their business thanks to the 'Agency'.

The solution to the case was served on a silver platter to the investigators like a bolt from the blue. A pivotal role in the breakthrough of the investigation was played by some former members of the Agency themselves: a hacker called 'Maria' and a newly enlisted 'Agent'. The latter decided to spill the beans by exposing the necessary evidence and various testimonies to the authorities via a USB stick. His identity was not revealed.

Lega-Russia, il procuratore di Milano Greco: "Indagini lunghe e laboriose.  Sentire Salvini? Assolutamente no" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Together with 'Cuoco', two other loyalists under the pseudonyms of 'Agent Boris' and 'Agent Vega' also ended up in handcuffs. The investigation went on for years and was long and complicated, explains Milan Prosecutor Francesco Greco:

"[...] these are highly capable individuals who have taken all necessary precautions to ensure their anonymity and alibis".

The prosecutor will not comment further because the investigation is still ongoing: some offshore bank accounts allegedly owned by the organisation still need to be investigated.

The open trials will be held in Milan in a few weeks. 

Mario Santini,

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